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Meeting rooms

Meeting rooms an inspiring and surprising meeting location

facts & figures

Besides the theatre halls and foyers, Maaspoort has four meeting rooms, varying in capacity to 60 people. So there's always a suitable room for your meeting, presentation, brainstorming session or gathering. All rooms are attractively furnished, have natural light and the latest presentation techniques. You will also find yourself in a unique environment where major artists perform every day. A special guided tour is also one of the possibilities.

meeting arrangements

Maaspoort is a 4-meeting venue. In the meeting rooms you can use various meeting packages View the various packages here.

your event manager

Michelle Jaspers | 077 320 7219

contact opnemen

MeetingReview: "Super arranged! Thanks for the hospitality. The rooms are also surprisingly affordable! Highly recommended."

Inschrijfformulier schoolvoorstelling


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