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Frans Boermans zaal
De Maaspoort
tour a unique look behind the scenes

guided tour of primary schools

There are various options for primary school pupils to get to know the theatre. From a normal' guided tour to the Special Backstage Tour full of adventure. Take a look at the various possibilities and contact us to plan a date.

guided tour

Discover the theatre like you have never done before and see what it is like backstage. Our guide will take you to the foyers, dressing rooms, the stage, the artist foyer and tell you all about the history of De Maaspoort. After the tour, a drink will be ready for you in our brasserie Luif Aete & Drinke. The tour takes about 60 minutes and costs € 9.50 per person including a drink. As soon as the tours can be booked again, we will communicate the dates and times here.

private tour?

Would you like a guided tour with your own company? You can also extend your tour with coffee and cake or a delicious lunch. In connection with performances, we will always consult with you to choose the right time so that you can see as much of the theatre as possible. More information: 077 320 72 19 or events@maaspoort.nl. Minimum number of participants: 10.

Jouw eventmanager

Michelle Jaspers



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