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Gift vouchers

Gift vouchers always a nice surprise

Maaspoort gift voucher

Maaspoort has its own gift voucher. This can be ordered digitally below or at the theatre box office in Maaspoort as a festively wrapped voucher. Maaspoort Gift Voucher is redeemable at Maaspoort, Bistro de Luif and Scheuten rooftop bar. Online you can use the gift voucher to pay by entering the code and issue date in the appropriate fields in the last step.

redeeming gift vouchers

Maaspoort works with various gift and credit vouchers. Below is a clear overview of how to redeem the vouchers.

Redeemable online

  • Maaspoort Gift voucher with internet code | Maaspoort Gift vouchers with date after 18 December 2014 have an internet code. This can be done in the last step (payment) of the ordering process. Under the heading Maaspoort Gift voucher and redeem voucher, enter the code and issue date. Will you not use the entire amount of your gift voucher? Then the remainder will be shown in your account on the 'my credits and privileges' page.
  • Voucher | When you cancel a performance, you will receive a voucher. The voucher is redeemable online using the code. You can enter the code in the last step (payment) of the ordering process.
  • The PODIUM Gift Card is redeemable at all member theatres and concert halls and can be spent in one go or in parts by the recipient.

NOT redeemable online

  • Maaspoort Gift Card without internet code | Maaspoort Gift Cards with date before 18 December 2014 can be redeemed at the theatre box office.
  • The VVV gift card can be redeemed at the theatre box office.
  • The Groeët Venlose Kedobón can be redeemed at the theatre box office.
  • The VVV voucher can only be redeemed at the theatre box office.
  • Theatre & Concertbon | The Theatre & Concertbon is the predecessor of the PODIUM Gift Card. This card is no longer sold but is accepted at our box office.

NOT accepted

  • You cannot redeem the Nationale Kunst & Cultuur Cadeaukaart at De Maaspoort

The PODIUM Gift Card is, like Maaspoort's own gift card, both available and redeemable at Maaspoort. The card is available online here or at the box office of Maaspoort. The PODIUM Cadeaukaart is redeemable at all member theatres and concert halls and can be spent in one go or in parts by the recipient. The PODIUM Cadeaukaart is redeemable online as well as at the box office.

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