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Hotel bar De Miste

Hospitable, warm and hip


atmospheric and welcoming

Hotelbar De Miste is accessible via the lobby. With entrances via both the Markt and the Oude Markt, you are very welcome at Hotelbar de Miste for a luxurious coffee, a special Gin-Tonic, a hospitable Southern beer or tongue-in-cheek wine. Check out Hotelbar De Miste in the virtual 360-degree tour.

Hotelbar De Miste stands for hospitality with a high degree of home-feeling. Ideal for a relaxing drink after a theatre performance, after an exquisite dinner, after a city walk or after business commitments.


The name De Miste refers to a medieval street in Venlo that used to run on the spot where the brand-new hotel is now built. In any case, a historical place where generations of Venlo people knew how to enjoy life. Cheers!

theater menu

Theatre menu

Having a bite to eat together? You can at Bistro de Luif. See you soon!


Maaspoortpassage 1
5911 HC Venlo
T +31(0)77 206 66 66
E info@theaterhotelvenlo.nl

virtual tours

Hotel bar De Miste


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