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Halls information per hall

ranks Hela hall

The Hela hall has approximately 750 seats. In the Hela hall, we use three grades; Gold, 1st and 2nd grade.
Gold grade: hall seats from rows 7 to 12
Grade 1: hall seats from row 1 to 6 and from row 13 to 24
(except row 20 and 21 seats 11 to 16)
Grade 2: balcony, side balcony right and side balcony left.
Row 20 and 21, seats 11 to 16 are also counted as 2nd grade if used for sound engineering.
2nd grade seats sometimes have less visibility or legroom.Seats 1, 2, 28 and 29 from row 5 in the balcony have less seating comfort as these are folding seats.
PLEASE NOTE! rows 1 to 3 have the same level in terms of height and rows 4 to 6 have the same level in terms of height. From row 7 onwards, the hall rises every row. Are you small? Then you may have less visibility in rows 2, 3, 5 and 6 when a tall person is sitting in front of you.
More information and a map of the Hela hall can be found here.

grades Frans Boermans hall

The Frans Boermans hall has approximately 350 seats. In the Frans Boermans hall, we use two grades.
Grade 1: hall seats from row 1 to 9
Grade 2: balcony seats from rows 10 to 13.
2nd grade seats sometimes have less visibility or legroom.
PLEASE NOTE! The balcony can only be reached by stairs; a lift to the balcony of this auditorium. The auditorium seats are accessible for people with reduced mobility. Sometimes the Frans Boermans hall is converted into a theatre cafe or pop hall. In that case, you will receive tickets without a seat number, and you can choose your own seat upon entering. More information and a map of the Frans Boermans hall can be found here.

ranks Piet Kingma hall

The Piet Kingma hall has approximately 180 seats. There is one grade in the Piet Kingma hall. You receive tickets without a seat number, and can choose your own seat when entering. More information about the Piet Kingma hall can be found here.

Maaspoort extends over three floors. Each floor has toilets, bars, (theatre) halls, foyers and a lift. View the three-dimensional floor plan of De Maaspoort here.

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