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children to theatre for free

children to theatre for free you can't start early enough

children up to 12 go free

At Maaspoort, (family) performances are free for all children up to 12 years old. Making a cheerful, positive noise and keeping theatre accessible - despite ever-rising prices - that's what we want to achieve with this. You are cordially invited! Please note: always reserve (free) tickets (and therefore seats) to avoid there being no room in the auditorium.

How do you reserve free tickets for a (family) performance?

  • For a performance in the 'family' genre when booking, first choose the total number of tickets (choose seats in the auditorium if necessary). Then divide the number of tickets between the different ticket prices (normal price, children's price or free). If you choose child price, you will pay for the child ticket. We love that, because the amount goes directly and 100% back into the youth fund, so you make another child happy. See also: youth fund 'Good for each other'
  • Would you like to take your (grand)child to a performance in a genre other than 'family'? That also possible*! Tickets for a child can then be reserved for free with the discount code KINDGRATIS2425 (online, you can reserve a maximum of 1 child for free with this code, if you want to bring more children to a non-family performance, please contact the theatre box office via info@maaspoort.nl). Please note that non-family performances last longer and are usually scheduled in the evening.


  • Please note: do always reserve (free) tickets (and therefore seats), this way you avoid not having room in the auditorium.
  • There is no maximum number of children per paying adult, but of course we ask for sufficient (at least 1 adult) supervision.
  • The free rate is only valid for children up to 12 years old, tickets will be checked upon entry.
  • *The free rate is not valid for performances in the genres: From the region, Events and Education and performances at external venues such as Domani. In addition, a number of performances are excluded because they are not suitable for children due to content or safety. These include: dinner shows, star concerts, some cabaret artists such as Theo Maassen and the Murder in Bistro de Luif series.
Inschrijfformulier schoolvoorstelling


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