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Our event managers

Our event managers location and event agency in one

professional advice

Our event managers have only one mission: to ensure that your event meets your ideas and objectives. We are happy to listen to your wishes so that your event, large or small, is organised with great care down to the last detail. And do you find it difficult to think of a good interpretation? Our event managers will think along with you and arrange it for you. By combining the knowledge of the event managers with the years of experience of our technicians and the creativity of our culinary team, Maaspoort has everything you need for a successful event under one roof!

Veronique Haenen - Schmitz

Event manager | 077 320 72 20

Michelle Jaspers

Event manager | 077 320 72 19

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Ask your question and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

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Inschrijfformulier schoolvoorstelling


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