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15 april

Ray Klaassens, former officer within the Dutch Special Forces and chief instructor on the television programme Camp van Koningsbrugge, vulnerably shares his Growing Pains in the inspiration theatre of the same name. A two-hour stimulating evening of theatre about Ray's own journey: a story of effort and self-reflection.

Ray takes you through some strongly formative moments at the Royal Military Academy and in the Commandos Corps. He also talks about skills you need as an intelligence officer and entrepreneur, which you especially don't learn in the Special Forces. Ray shares some intimate, sad and lonely moments when he faced choices that would define his life. A story for everyone, because "If I can do it, you certainly can!", says Ray. Viewers are inspired to put their money where their mouth is once and for all. Ray shares insights on the tension between adaptability and perseverance, but at the same time teaches the audience that it is pointless to worry about that which is beyond your control. Moreover, Ray explains in no uncertain terms that there is a direct link between the results you achieve and the effort you put in to achieve them.

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